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Software Development
Software development for test systems, data acquisition and signal processing. Development using standard platforms, TestStand, LabVIEW, Python and C# Integration with webservices, databases and automation protocols

Robotics & Automation
Automation and robotics development for complete testers integration in assembly lines

Hardware Development
Customized hardware development, electronics and PCB. DUT interfaces and power electronics for high voltage tests. Application areas:
- capacitor charge/discharge
- capacitor short circuit tests
- Multiplexer for instrumentation/DUT interfaces

Data Aquisition & Signal Processing
Data acquisition systems and digital signal processing development. Aplication areas, structural monitoring, modal analysis, real-time control, NVH and customized solutions

Real-time Control
Development of real-time control systems using LabVIEW real-time and FPGA technologies. Seismic 3D test platforms and HIL testers

Vision Systems & Inspection
Automated Vision Systems for quality control. Application areas, infotainment display inspection and calibration, parts dimensional control and defect detection